The Secret Sauce: Less Talk, More Class!

Farzeen Shaikh
4 min read2 days ago

Simple, elegant, and the fastest way to look sophisticated without even trying.

Do you know why I stay quiet most of the time now? It’s not because I’ve lost my voice or turned shy. It’s because I’ve finally figured out how to look classy and mysterious without even trying. But once upon a time, I was the queen of blabbering. I talked about everything and everyone, whether it was remotely relevant to me or not. I was like a human loudspeaker, convinced that talking non-stop made me look cool, knowledgeable, and oh-so-smart. Spoiler alert: It didn’t.

Instead of sounding intelligent, I just ended up looking like someone who talks too much and tries too hard. It didn’t make a good impression at all.I overshared, over-explained, and basically overdid it in every possible way. And the best part? People made fun of me behind my back, and I was clueless! Stupid me, right?

Better Late Than Never

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But, hey, they say “Better late than never,” and my self-improvement journey slapped some sense into me. I realized my ridiculous chatterbox habits weren’t winning me any fans. So, I made a change. I found my new mantra: Speak less, say more. Simple, elegant, and the fastest way to look sophisticated without even trying.



Farzeen Shaikh

I talk, read, and write about Motivation, Personal Development, Life , Mind, personality,thoughts,and other things.